PRESS RELEASE: Dr Shona Lang Brings Preclinical Evidence Synthesis and Systematic Review to PharmaFlow

Bridgend, South Wales, 24th June 2021:  PharmaFlow, a 21st century consultancy in biopharmaceutical value-chains, is pleased to announce that Dr Shona Lang will bring Preclinical Evidence Synthesis and Systematic Review skills to its offering.

Shona has over 10 years’ experience in consulting systematic reviews and evidence synthesis. Previous to this she worked for 15 years in cancer research, investigating tissue development and developing preclinical cell-based models.

Shona has been part of an Evidence Review Group for the assessment of health technology submissions to NICE and reviewed manuscripts for statistical analysis. She has worked in multiple disease areas and for a wide range of clients. Her current interest is precision medicine.

It is her belief that the application of systematic review methodology and evidence-based decision making will improve both investment in novel biotechnology and clinical translation and reduce scientific waste.

She brings skills in evidence-based decision making, systematic review, epidemiology, risk of bias assessment and meta-analysis.

Shona commented “I am delighted to be able to add my skills in systematic reviews and evidence synthesis to the PharmaFlow offeringreally looking forward to being part of this important innovation in medicine and medicinal value-chains”

Hedley Rees, managing consultant at Pharmaflow said “21st century value chains will require skills in predictive methods and evidence-based approaches if the challenges of advanced therapies, precision medicine and additive manufacturing are to be surmounted. Shona has been known to us since 2019, shares our values and is a great addition to the team.”


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